Sunday, November 27, 2011

College Financial Aid Opportunities

If you have decided to go to college or career school, one big concern you may have is the cost of education. It can be challenging to think about paying for tuition and expenses while holding down your regular job and paying your everyday bills.

Relax! Most accredited career schools and colleges offer financial assistance programs for students who qualify. These may be federal programs, state programs, or sometimes even programs offered by the schools themselves. Types of financial assistance fall into two categories:

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Loans (money that you have to repay);

Grants and scholarships (money that you don't have to repay).

Generally, grants and loans are determined by your income level, while scholarships are often awarded competitively or to individuals with certain qualifications. It may seem complicated. Don't worry! Many schools have highly qualified financial assistance staff members who are glad to help you. If you are starting your college search, here's what you'll need to do:

1. Log onto a reputable college search website. Choose the colleges or technical schools that match your requirements. You can search for colleges in a certain geographical area (like Los Angeles or Wisconsin), colleges that offer programs in academic areas (such as business or liberal arts or culinary), or you can search for degree levels (certificate, bachelor's degree, master's degree). You can also search for online programs; many colleges offer the same financial aid opportunities for online students as for those who attend a traditional campus.

2. Contact the admissions department of the schools you're interested in. Ask them about financial assistance. Don't be shy-they want to help you! Most people who go to college apply for financial assistance. It's a perfectly normal thing to do.

3. The most common forms of student financial aid are federal loans. You have to pay them back. Low-interest loans may also be available from private sources. But be careful! If you take out a loan to pay for college, make sure you read the contract very carefully and you know what it will cost you in interest and fees.

4. If the school is approved for federal loan programs, the financial assistance officer will ask you to go online and fill out a standard form called the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You can check it out for yourself at This is the form that nearly every federally approved school uses.

5. Once you've filled out the FAFSA application, in a few days you'll receive a Student Aid Report (SAR). Your SAR will summarize the financial information you reported on your FAFSA. You should check the SAR carefully to make sure it is accurate. In the upper right corner, look for your Expected Family Contribution (EFC). Your school will use your EFC to help determine the financial aid for which you may be eligible.

6. Your financial assistance officer at the school may also help you identify other sources of financial aid. There may be scholarship or grant opportunities, offered either by the school or by your community. If the school offers institutional aid in the form of scholarships or grants, you will be asked to fill out the CSS Profile. It is similar to the FAFSA and involves an online form that asks you about your family finances. The information used by the CSS Profile is used by colleges to determine how much institutional financial aid they will offer you. The amounts can range from nothing to one hundred percent of your tuition. In fact, Harvard University recently announced that families with incomes less than ,000 a year will not be expected to contribute anything for their child's undergraduate college costs. The University will award the student a grant (which does not have to be repaid) equal to the cost of attending Harvard. Of course, to get awarded a Harvard grant, you have to be accepted into the University. For the class of 2013 the undergraduate acceptance rate was seven percent.

You'll see that scholarships can come from many sources. An automotive trade school may have a scholarship provided by an automobile manufacturer. A business college may have a scholarship provided by a successful alumnus, or a generous donor. Your own community may have scholarship programs sponsored by churches or civic organizations such as the Rotary Club. The key is to keep digging, and to use the resources provided by your career college.

You should go online yourself and search for scholarships, but be careful to avoid scammers who ask for a fee. There's plenty of free information out there and you should never have to pay a fee!

Your very last resort when paying for college should be your credit card. If you use your credit card, you are in effect taking out a short-term high-interest loan. Most student loans are low-interest (two or three percent) while your Visa or Mastercard may charge you as much as twenty-five percent. There is no way you'll be able to pay off the balance without incurring huge interest charges. Don't do it. Find some other way to pay for college or postpone your plans until you can afford to not use your credit card.

How do you get started?

The best way to research your options is to go online to a free college directory website like the one below. You can enter the search terms that are appropriate for you (such as "medical assisting, Miami, Florida," or "online business degrees"). You'll be presented with free information about the programs that meet your criteria. Compare features such as financial aid, career services, and flexible schedules. Narrow down your choices and make your application. In less time than you think you could be training for a rewarding new career.

College Financial Aid Opportunities

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Integrative Medicine and Functional Medicine Are More Than Band-Aid Health Solutions

Integrative medicine is the combination of conventional medicine and alternative medicine modes of health care such as herbal medicine, nutrition, acupuncture, massage, yoga or stress reduction. It is a holistic medicine model that recognizes that the whole person is important in health and wellness. Functional medicine takes into consideration why an illness has developed in the first place, so that it can be addressed.

While complementary medicine has been around for a while, some people question the validity of alternative treatments. Integrative medicine tries to combine the most scientifically proven of complementary methods along with conventional medicine.

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Both patients and providers often find this "best of both worlds" approach to be more fulfilling.

Functional medicine is also holistic, but is a way of looking at medicine that is based upon finding and addressing the root causes of illness. For instance, a functional medicine practitioner would look at environmental toxin inputs, nutrition and microbial imbalances, how the detoxification system is working, the nervous and endocrine systems, intestinal system function, and the impact of stress. They would look at the genetic and biochemical systems involved in a particular problem and how those systems vary between individuals.

In other words, functional medicine looks at how all systems are inter-related and how they influence illness and health. Rather than focus solely on multiple separate disease entities, functional medicine recognizes disturbances of a web-like interconnected system and aspires to restore health and balance to the foundation of that system.

Practitioners might use any appropriate combination of conventional medicine, nutritional interventions, acupuncture, stress reduction techniques or other sound methods to restore wellness to the system. And, rather than stopping there, these same principle would be used to institute ongoing preventive habits.

Let's look at an example. Let's say someone has chronic irritable bowel symptoms. It would be easy in the conventional model to consider that an isolated intestinal system problem. Those symptoms might generate an intestinal system work up. Now, irritable bowel syndrome is a particular problem that has also come to be considered as having a psychological component. So, there is an example of conventional medicine bringing in the possible role of stress, just as a holistic or integrative medicine doctor would.

But wait. Now, scientific studies are coming up with evidence that in irritable bowel syndrome, some people have bacterial overgrowth in the small bowel that might benefit from treatment, the immune system might be involved and respond to probiotics, and the nervous system might be calmed by acupuncture. Maybe some yoga or meditation would improve the contribution by stress.

By expanding the way the problem is viewed, looking for where the root of the problem might be, and drawing upon many different methods of care, a more holistic, functional and integrated plan of care can be offered.

With more of the U.S. population suffering chronic health problems and demanding more holistic health care, we can expect to see approaches like integrative and functional medicine becoming part of the solution.

Integrative Medicine and Functional Medicine Are More Than Band-Aid Health Solutions

Friday, November 25, 2011

Goal Setting - How to Turn Your Desktop Wallpaper Into a Motivational Aid Using a Picture Collage

Although you may already have a number of goal setting strategies in place, I'd like to share another one with you that I recently incorporated into my day. The seed for this article was planted on Oct 29, 2008 while attending the Success Blueprint Workshop put on by Master Certified Coach Andrew Barber-Starkey of the ProCoach Success System. Andrew indicated that one of the best ways to build self confidence and to reach your goals is to always look for ways to "Impress Yourself".

Impress Yourself Screen Saver
I find "Impress Yourself" to be one of the better motivational quotes I have heard and wanted to have it somewhere highly visible in my everyday life. I thought the best place to put this motto was on my computer monitor as a screen saver. With this creative idea I would be seeing the motivational quote "Impress Yourself" floating across my computer monitor many times over the day. My plan was that this visual aid would remind me of my previous goal setting activities, so I could refocus my efforts and move forward.

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The Generation of an Idea
While I found the screen saver to be a powerful technique, this next idea I found to be even more so! I went to Bob Proctor's weekend seminar "Create Your Own Economy" in May 2009. Both Bob Proctor and Gerry Robert were at this seminar. I find these two entrepreneurs to be great educators and feel inspired and motivated by what they have to say. Fortunately, I was able to obtain a picture of myself with each of these men at this conference. I planned to use these pictures as one of my desktop themes. I knew seeing these pictures on a daily basis would help me in the area of self improvement and motivation.

This presented me with a dilemma. Up to this point, I had been rotating the desktop wallpaper picture on my computer screen on a semi regular basis, generally using my children individually or together at different events or phases of their lives. As I did not think my children would appreciate being displaced from my monitor, I decided to create a simple photo collage of my children and educators.

A Simple Picture Collage
In my first attempt to produce my own free desktop wallpaper featuring my children and educators, I used Microsoft Word. I added the pictures to one page of a Word document and then added the motivational quote "Impress Yourself". I copied and saved the file in Paint as a .jpg and used it as my computer wallpaper. This simple picture collage inspired me on a daily basis as I saw it every time I was working on the computer.

The Big Picture Collage Idea
Around the same time as I was working on my simple Word collage, my nine year old daughter was making a massive photo collage using PowerPoint. She was pasting numerous pictures onto the same slide and overlapping them. As I watched her create her masterpiece, my mind raced to create one of my own. It became immediately apparent that creating a picture collage in PowerPoint was much faster and easier than using Word. You can easily drag pictures around the slide, arrange their layout as you wish and overlap the pictures.

Building My First Large Photo Collage
For my first large picture collage, I added about 75 pictures to a standard PowerPoint slide, but I soon learned that unless your computer monitor is the same length and width as a standard piece of paper the photo collage will be skewed. I changed the size of my PowerPoint slide to match the exact size of my computer monitor screen, added more pictures, a couple of motivational quotes and saved this picture collage as one of my desktop backgrounds.

For a standard 19" LCD computer monitor, which has a viewing area of around 180 square inches, I estimate you could be looking at between 75 to 150 pictures instead of just one. My largest picture is about nine square inches while my smallest is about one square inch. You may think that a small picture one square inch in size is too small but I find that this is all you need to prompt yourself. For example, I have a small 1 inch square picture of a multi family house on my picture collage. As soon as I look at this picture, I immediately see and visualize a house I would like to build for low income earners. The rooms are small but it is a home which people can afford and with ownership hopefully comes the building of self esteem. While you may not totally be able to pick out the details in the photo, the purpose of the picture is to trigger your mind to remember your goals. I find pictures of this size address this concept very well.

Personal Goal Setting
I find that there are two major advantages of including your goals in your computer desktop wallpaper. First, all of your past accomplishments and future goals are right in front of you on a daily basis. Seeing what you have already accomplished assures you that you are capable of creating more for yourself. Second, the time required to review your goals in picture format is quite quick. For instance, I have a dream book which contains what I want to accomplish in the future. However, as I am generally under time constraints, I rarely look at my dream book. Yet everyday I am reminded of my goals when I am working on my computer through my computer wallpaper photo collage. In essence, my computer desktop wallpaper has become my vision board as well as my dream book.

Personal growth educators generally want you to review your goals as much as possible. By using this photo collage technique, I have my whole dream book and vision board in front of me every day. I think this is a great goal setting tip and a good self improvement and motivation technique. This simple idea is not only easy to implement but fun to put together. Additionally, it very quickly reminds me of my goals on a daily basis. This gentle reminder tends to stop me from doing things which do not advance me and focus me on what needs to get done to achieve my personal goals.

My Results
One of my main goals is to become a better stock trader. Since viewing the phrase "Impress Yourself" and looking at my photo collage on a daily basis, I have tried very hard to always use extreme discipline when trading stocks. I find I can do this best by controlling risk, always having stops in place and by generally limiting the time I am in the stock market. For me, just a slight shift in mental attitude has improved my ability to trade stocks.

Your Challenge
What small shift in thinking do you need to dramatically change your life around? What goals are you searching for? Can you use this self improvement and motivation technique in your life?

Are you ready to start to build your first picture collage and use this simple idea to inspire you on a daily basis which hopefully will lead you to an improved life? When building your photo collage include the pictures that you think will best motivate you to succeed. You can also include inspiring, motivational quotes to further guide you.

In a picture collage, you can put a large picture on the bottom and then put a number of pictures on top of it. Simply send the large picture to the back. In this manner you can increase the number of pictures on the slide. If you are unsure about how to build a picture collage in PowerPoint or Word I have put the required information on my website.

I hope looking at this type of photo collage on a daily basis is as inspirational to you as it has been for me.

Goal Setting - How to Turn Your Desktop Wallpaper Into a Motivational Aid Using a Picture Collage

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Start Enjoying Home Made Ice Cream With The KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Attachment

There are many great traditions and enjoying ice cream is one of them, no matter what time of year it is. The good news is that if you own a KitchenAid stand mixer you don't have to run out anymore to get some. You can make your favorite dessert at home using the KitchenAid ice cream maker attachment. This KitchenAid attachment adds more functionality and gives you additional ways to use your preferred home appliance.

There are many good reasons why investing in this attachment is a no brainer. For one, it is healthier and more cost-effective solution. You decide what goes into your ice cream, what flavor your taste buds desire and what new flavor you want to experiment with next. Making it can be so much fun for you and your family. Let's be perfectly honest, who doesn't like this frozen concoction? It is enjoyed by everyone, from kids to adults, to singles and families. Those that are diabetic or have a special diet, desserts that match your needs can just as easily be made.

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As with all KitchenAid brand appliances, this attachment is designed to be both durable and easy to use. This is a quick peek as to how you can prepare your favorite flavor with this attachment. First you store the freeze bowl in the fridge for 15 hours previous to making it. Although this may seem like a long time, after the first use you can just store it in the freezer so its ready whenever you need it or have the urge to make some. Secondly, you pour in your batter that you have made with your chosen ingredients, and let the mixer and attachment do all the work for you. The KitchenAid ice cream maker attachment allows you to make up to 2 quarts of delicious ice cream as well as a variety of desserts in approximately 25 minutes. After you get the knack of it, you can let you imagination run wild and make some delicious and interesting desserts.

As with other KitchenAid attachments, they are designed for easy cleaning and are dishwasher safe. Making the dreaded cleanup process simple and fast.

This attachment comes with a recipe book that will allow you to start making your favorite flavor right way. This attachment has received fantastic reviews from users. Customers are happy with both the quality of the ice cream and how simple it is to make. So what are you waiting for? Start enjoying home-made ice cream with KitchenAid ice cream maker attachment

Start Enjoying Home Made Ice Cream With The KitchenAid Ice Cream Maker Attachment

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Financial Assistance For College-Bound Single Parents

There are well over 13 million single parents living in the United States today, many of them foregoing educational opportunities in order to raise their children. With over 26% of children under the age of 21 being reared by single parents, it's obvious that the single parent has many responsibilities. Single parents may experience financial struggles, and much of their income goes towards providing for their children. Fortunately, there is funding available to help single parents acquire the education they need to improve their lifestyles and better support their families.

Why should a single parent return to school if it may be a hardship? On average, a college graduate earns a million dollars more over the course of a lifetime than does a high school graduate. An educated single parent will have more career opportunities, a larger income, and better resources to help his or her children.

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Sometimes, even if a student retains employment while attending college courses, the cost of higher education is prohibitive to the single parent. Grants for these parents will bridge the gap between personal income and the cost of a college degree. The first thing a candidate should do is fill out a FAFSA application, which is available on January 1st each year. This is a free application for federal aid. Awards are based on a family's income, so parents usually have a good chance of receiving some assistance.

Federal Pell Grants are granted to financially-needy students in the amount of up to ,000 per year. A grant is money that does not have to be paid back. The earlier you apply for federal assistance, the better chance you have of receiving a Pell Grant, as they are awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Many institutions of higher learning have their own grants and scholarships that they award to single parents in need of financial assistance. Visit the financial aid office of your prospective college to see what options are available in the way of funding. You'd be surprised how many colleges have special funds to encourage parents to return to school.

Grants and scholarships are often also available from organizations, businesses, and individuals. Scholarship databases can help match you up for opportunities that fit your profile. There is something for everyone in the way of scholarships, though it may take some time to locate and apply for as many opportunities as you can.

When it comes to seeking out funds, leave no stone unturned. Your place of work may offer scholarships to employees returning to school; many larger companies do. Ask your HR representative for advice about obtaining company assistance in returning to school. As another example, individuals who have a close family member in the military are often eligible for military scholarships. There are many such opportunities for those who look.

Financial Assistance For College-Bound Single Parents

Monday, November 21, 2011

Do You Need a College Financial Aid Advisor? No - Save the Fifteen Hundred Dollars

A competent financial advisor can prepare you ahead of time and maximize your college financial aid. But do you really need one? The federal government provides a wealth of information on-line for free. The only problem is they do a lousy job telling you about it. Have you ever seen a public service announcement on TV or radio promoting student financial aid sites? No, and you probably never will.

Think before you spend. You're looking to maximize your college financial aid. The minute you walk into the office of a Certified College Planning Specialist (CCPS) you'll be spending some of the money you're looking to save. The question you need to ask yourself is whether you're already succumbing to the pressures of college costs - If their certified planners, are they smarter than you? No, they just have more knowledge than you, knowledge you can attain in a variety of ways.

Home First Aid

Here are six ways to attain that knowledge:

Educate yourself - You need to spend several days becoming familiar with the college financial aid process. In order not to become overwhelmed, the federal government publishes an on-line guide called 'Funding Education Beyond High School' that is the 2010- 2011 guide to Federal Student Aid. This on-line guide can be downloaded onto your PC, laptop or even e-book reader and is a well-written guide with a table of contents that goes over every conceivable type of college financial aid including loan deferment, loan cancellations, borrower's rights, and loan consolidations. Included here is the phone number and website for all fifty state agencies that regulate college aid.

Take the same course preparations as the college financial counselors do - Information for Financial Aid Professional (IFAP) is the same federal site that all financial aid counselors use to both receive the latest federal financial aid updates and do their course training. Here are examples of what you can do here:
Computer Based Training (CBT) for Direct Loans, Academic Competitiveness Grants (ACG), Federal Pell Grants (Pell Grant), National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent Grants (National SMART Grant), and Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grants; Learn about student eligibility for funds, how and when funds are dispersed, the Student Right-To-Know Act, and how to make sure a school is eligible to receive Title IV Funds (college financial aid); Use the FSA Coach designed to help build an understanding of financial aid concepts. This is a comprehensive, introductory course containing thirty-seven lessons that show you how Federal Student Aid programs are administered; College Financial Aid Publications - (Counselors and Mentors Handbook) - a guide similar to the Student Federal Aid Guide but used by high school guidance counselors and college aid professionals to advise them of current laws and requirements regarding the disbursement and eligibility of college aid. (EFC Formula Guide) - the guide that the federal government uses to determine the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) that results when you complete filling out the FAFSA form for college aid eligibility. Pell Grant Payment and Disbursement Schedules; Explanation of how the current educational budget affects student aid; and Live Internet webinars explaining Federal Direct College Loans.

Attend local College Information Nights - most local communities during the fall host College Aid Seminars at the local high school or even a community college. Now that you have educated yourself with the first two steps, you are ready to step out into the world and see if all that information makes sense. A question and answer session is usually available after the initial presentation and you should be prepared with some insightful questions if you've done your homework. Usually, contact information will be provided for followup questions at a later date but if not, approach the presenter and ask for a contact number. They're usually more than happy to oblige.

Request a meeting with your child's high school counselor - most parents contact with the high school college counselors is relegated to documents that must be filled out and websites providing college admission information. A request to meet with the guidance counselor will provide you with valuable information and a one on one meeting with the person responsible for submitting critical documents for your child's college admission.

Contact the college financial aid office of the university your child is applying to - a critical step that many parents do not take. Speaking to them before applying can give you good insight into how the process will proceed.

Contact FAFSA itself at 1-800-433-3243 - the phone representatives at FAFSA are there to answer any additional questions you have related to filling out the most critical form of all, the FAFSA form which is the basis all of all federal financial aid.

So let me ask, do you need a financial aid advisor?

You may have found one in yourself.

Do You Need a College Financial Aid Advisor? No - Save the Fifteen Hundred Dollars

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Lemon Aid Car Guide - Save Yourself From Getting a Lemon Car

We just don't love our vehicles, we build a relation with it and we get attached with it. Some of us even give nicknames to their cars, spend more time on it than on self, giving it a weekly wash or maintaining it. Lemon aid car guide are built for you if you want to save yourself from those heart breakers and painful risks before planning to buy a new car. Lemon aid car guide helps you do your homework even before you start window shopping. A little bit of research and proper planning can help you assure that your next ride with your new car be smooth.

Here are some of the steps you should follow before you start according to the lemon aid car guide:
Identify and define your requirements:

Home First Aid

1) Before purchasing anything, you need to properly understand your needs and requirements. You need to build a profile of your car you are planning to buy. What you need? What you want? The kinds of driving you are required to do, any special feature you love to have in your car, the color and style of your new cab. Create a complete profile for yourself. List all your requirements according to their priority and make sure it is realistic.

2) Research, research and more research:
Now you know what you are looking for and you can move forward to achieve it. Don't stay focused on any particular car manufacturer; try to exploit all the options you have. Your local library could be an economical and a great place to start with. Several buyers guide including Customers digest and customers review are published every week. They contain a lot of handy information about the latest and best cars in the market. Read the reviews of consumers similar to you about what they feel about the car. Exploit the pros and cons of every model. They also include ratings of several car based on certain featured characteristics. Look for several important ratings on safety, reliability and performance. Make a list for yourself before you get ready. You can even have a look on several online forums available on the internet. Several people have different points of view and they state their likes and dislikes in such forums. It could be of a great help to you to narrow down your list.

3) Try it yourself:
Perhaps, the most important step before you commit on your new car is to have a test drive. Drive the car on fussy and highway traffics. Inspect each part of your car with all your senses wide open. You don't want to miss anything.

4) Official papers:
Lemon aid car guide finally provides you with all the important papers you should look forward for and ask before tying the knot with your new car. Look for warranty cards and other important papers before leaving the shop to continue your happy and smooth ride with your new car.

Lemon Aid Car Guide - Save Yourself From Getting a Lemon Car

Friday, November 18, 2011

Treating The Burn With First Aid Burn Treatment

It remains a commonly held belief that most accidents occur in the home. And none occurs more often than a burn. Ranging from the very minor to the very serious, burns can render their victims debilitated. And even the smallest burn can be intensely painful. Knowing how to attend to burns with first aid burn treatment can mean the difference between a minor mishap and a major calamity.

First and foremost, if the burn is severe; that is it is swelling, blistering severely, or covering a large area of skin; waste no time in getting to a medical facility for proper treatment. Severe burns - those that are second or third degree - can be extremely dangerous so the quicker the first aid burn treatment, the better.

Home First Aid

If this is the case, assess the victim's vitals - breathing, pulse rate, etc. - and call for emergency services immediately. Never remove clothing surrounding a severe burn, as in many cases the skin will have fused to the clothing. Additionally, do not apply cold water to severe burns as this can induce shock. Most important when it comes to first aid burn treatment of a severe burn is to keep the wound clean and moist. Damp tepid compresses and clean dressings will suffice until emergency help arrives.

For the minor burns that most happen in and around our homes - the first degree burn - first aid burn treatment can be more involved. Since the first degree burn only affects the first layer of skin, this first aid burn treatment is mostly topical in nature. First and foremost, run the burn under cold water to cease the burning process. You can then apply an antibiotic cream and loosely wrap the burn in clean, dry cloth. An over-the-counter pain reliever will more than likely be enough to reduce any discomfort. If the burn does not seem to be healing after several days following the first aid burn treatment, consult a medical professional.

Burns can happen any time; it's best to keep a first aid kit handy with any necessary inclusions for first aid burn treatment such as gauze and burn ointment. Keep emergency numbers within sight and always know the quickest and most direct route to the nearest hospital.

A little preparation will go a long way to ensuring a successful first aid burn treatment should it ever become necessary.

Treating The Burn With First Aid Burn Treatment

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Value of Taking a First Aid Class

What is the value of taking a first aid class? It could, during one single moment of crisis, be the most important class you ever take.

There is a debate that rages on over the question of our responsibility to be our brother's keeper. If we happen upon a stranger who has been injured and is in need of first aid, what do we do? Regardless of what that decision might be, the truth is that more likely it will not be a stranger in need, but rather a loved one or someone for whom you are responsible. If this is the case, the first thing that needs to be done is first aid.

Home First Aid

While basic first aid may be rather simple, it is actually much like any other technical or scientific discipline. This means that you can start with the basics, but there is always a lot more you can learn. If you are suddenly confronted with a life threatening situation, you are going to want to be as technically proficient as possible. No amount of training would be too much.

There are several ways to gain technical skill in emergency medical treatments. The first aid class is one of the best because of the hands on opportunities. Online classes and do-it-your- self manuals provide a great deal of basic information, but the advantage of actually being able to physically practice techniques is priceless.

One of the nice things about first aid classes is that they are fairly easy to find and inexpensive when you do find one. You can find them for beginners and for experts. Some of the classes will include certification and licensing. Some classes can qualify you for CPR. These kinds of certifications can be requirements for some job positions and some are just for your own self improvement.

It would be a very safe world if everyone was trained to the maximum in basic first aid. We have such an understanding of life saving techniques that first aid is a better protection tool than it has ever been in the past. Every time a life is lost that could have been saved, it is tragic. It is well worth recalling General Albert Sydney Johnston of the Confederate Army. He was killed at the Battle of Shiloh in the very beginning of the war. A bullet hit the femoral artery in his leg and he bled to death surrounded by his aides who had not taken a first aid training class.

The Value of Taking a First Aid Class

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Five Financial Aid Flaws: Five Steps to Avoid Financial Aid Problems

Millions of students apply for financial aid each year. However, many parents and their students find it difficult to navigate the financial aid system. Here are five common financial aid problems and easy solutions to avoid them.

First, students should apply for financial aid as early as possible. The FAFSA or Federal Application for Free Student Aid becomes available for students to submit in early January. Many parents and students delay submitting the FAFSA due to their taxes being incomplete. It is perfectly acceptable to fill out the forms with an educated guess and then edit the forms at a later date. Many schools have deadlines as early as March for students to qualify for many financial aid programs.

Home First Aid

Seconds, students should make sure their application is filled out with correct information. Spelling mistakes, incomplete fields as well as errors in mathematical calculations can cause paperwork to be delayed or students to not qualify for thousands of dollars in aid. Students and parents should carefully review their calculations before submitting their application. Many applications will flag blank fields but students must review these fields on their own.

Third, students should apply for scholarships outside of their university. Many freshman believe that they will not qualify for scholarships that are offered by their high school, religious organization or civic groups. However, many of these groups have thousands of dollars in scholarships that they award each year. Best of all, this is money that does not have to be repaid and can be utilized before having to turn to student loans and other resources.

Fourth, students should not abuse financial aid. Many people who attend college take the extra money from their student loans as a living allowance. While this can be acceptable, individuals should consider whether they want to have to repay their living allowance with interest for up to fifteen years after they graduate. Many students may be better off by handing any excess funds back to their student loan provider and applying for an on campus job. On campus jobs can be a wonderful way for individuals to meet new friends and experience the working world.

Fifth, students should pay attention to all information they receive from their financial aid office. Many universities will contact individuals with problems via telephone, mail, email or a combination of these methods. Make sure you are checking your email and opening any mail from your university to ensure that your financial aid is properly processed.

Five Financial Aid Flaws: Five Steps to Avoid Financial Aid Problems

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

First Aid at Work - How Many First Aiders Do I Need?

In October 2009, new first aid at work guidelines were published in the UK. The new Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) changed the way companies need to assess their first aid requirements.

Risks to Hazards

Home First Aid

First, they changed the risk categories. Instead of Low Risk, Medium Risk and High Risk, we now have just two categories; Low Hazard and Higher Hazard. The change in wording, from Risk to Hazard is an important one. The element of chance is no longer an issue; either there is a hazard or there is not. This means that no matter how likely or unlikely a hazard is to cause an injury, it needs to be taken into account.

Businesses which fall into the Low Hazard category are libraries, offices and most shops. Everything else will probably be in the Higher Hazard group.

So how many first aiders do you need? Well, first you need to be aware that there are three different levels of first aider in the workplace.

Appointed Person

An appointed person is someone who is capable of taking charge in an emergency situation. They must be able to call the emergency services and direct others to contain the situation. They may be responsible for ensuring that emergency equipment, such as first aid kits, are kept in good order and properly stocked and stored. They do not have to be trained first aiders, but the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) does strongly recommend that they should have some first aid training.

EFAW First Aider

EFAW stands for Emergency First Aid at Work. This is the new, HSE approved, one day course. It is intended to replace the appointed persons course, which was previously unregulated and not recognised.

FAW First Aider

This is the new three day (reduced from four) First Aid at Work course. It is HSE approved and regulated and must be formally assessed by someone other than the course tutor.

Low Hazard Category

If your business falls within the low hazard category, and you have fewer than 25 employees, then the minimum requirement is for 1 appointed person. If you have between 25 and 50 employees, then you must have a minimum of 1 EFAW trained first aider. If you have more than fifty employees, then you should have at least 1 FAW trained first aider for every 100, or part, employees.

Higher Hazard Category

If your business is in the Higher Hazard group and you have less than 5 employees, you must have at least 1 appointed person. For 5 to 50 employees, the minimum is 1 EFAW or FAW trained first aider, depending upon the hazards assessed. For more than 50 employees you will need 1 FAW trained first aider for every 50, or part, employees.

Simple enough, do you think?

Think Again!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but as always, it's never that simple. Firstly, if you need one first aider, then you most certainly need two. Why? Because everybody has a day off sometimes and the HSE insists that you must have first aid cover, at least at the minimum level, at all times. That includes when your first aider is on holiday, off sick, or taking the afternoon off to go to the dentist. If your staff work shifts, or flexi time, then you need to ensure that a first aider is on the premises at all times. If the assessment is that your need is for a FAW trained first aider, an EFAW trained first aider cannot stand in for them and likewise, an appointed person cannot deputise for an EFAW first aider.

In addition, although, strictly speaking, the law says you only need to include your employees in your assessment, the HSE strongly recommends that you include anybody who may be on your premises at any one time. So if you have a shop full of customers, or regularly have visitors to your office, then you should include them in your numbers.

Of course, strongly recommends is not the same as compulsory. But if something goes wrong and you have not followed the recommendations, you had better be prepared to defend your decision.

First Aid at Work - How Many First Aiders Do I Need?

Monday, November 14, 2011

College Financial Aid - FAFSA - Lying on This Application Is a No No

Many people want to lie on their financial aid application for college. Many parents and students think that no one will find out if they do so. This is about as far from the truth as you could possibly get. Yes, some people can get away with lying and cheating. There is a chance however, a very good chance, that you will get caught.

Colleges have the right to audit you and your family whenever they feel the need to do so. Just like the IRS can offer you because they think you are not paying enough money in taxes, the college can audit you as well. They all to you for the opposite reason though, which is to see if you're getting too much assistance for your college tuition.

Home First Aid

Colleges and universities called this process verification, not an audit like the IRS. Many students are required each and every year to submit, and detail, all of their family's financial information.

It is estimated that a minimum of one third of the students applying for financial aid will have to go through the verification process. This does not have anything to do with your race, age, or gender. It really does boil down to who is lucky and who is not. They will require that you bring in all of your paperwork that you have used for information to fill out your FAFSA. This information will be used to compare with the original numbers you have submitted. If they are off, your EFC, expected family contribution, will be changed. This will affect your ability to borrow money for college.

Colleges have no choice but to verify this information. The government requires that a randomly verify about one third of the students applying for financial aid. You can be 18 years old and applying for your first year of college, or you could be a 32-year-old veteran going back to college, and it does not matter.

Red flags on your financial aid application will also raise questions. If you report that you have 0,000 in the bank, and you make ,000 a year and income, this is a red flag. Many colleges and universities will want to audit your financial aid application themselves, not having anything to do with the government.

The best way to do this is to be honest 100% of the time. You should submit the same numbers on your FAFSA as you do your income tax returns that are filed every year for the IRS. You will be able to sleep much easier at night knowing you have been completely honest, even if that means you do not qualify for some financial aid.

College Financial Aid - FAFSA - Lying on This Application Is a No No

Sunday, November 13, 2011

President Obama's Education Plan Helps Moms Go Back to School Through Financial Aid

If you are working a dead end job, it does not pay enough to get ahead or you can see your job disappearing in the near future the best and perhaps only way out is to get a college degree.

The economy is bad right now but it will come back and with a college degree to an in demand profession this would the time for a career change of a lifetime. Having said all that, all it will take is time and money. If you are like most of us, you have more time than money so how do you get the money.

Home First Aid

Look no farther than Uncle Sam, President Obama administration is providing scholarships for moms, working moms, stay at home moms, moms with some college or no college at all. Moms usually have children to raise, a household to maintain and a job to work so they available time is limited; this is where online study programs become the choice of the busy mom.

The Pell Grant has become the mechanism to get the money to those who need it the most. Based on financial need this means that a very large number of moms will be eligible for some if not all of the ,550 that makes up the Pell Grant. The nice thing about a Pell Grant is that grants do not have to be paid back and the first 00 is tax-free income.

For all the working moms and single moms now is the time to get a college degree the money is there to be used, there are professions that have need for skilled workers.

President Obama's Education Plan Helps Moms Go Back to School Through Financial Aid

Friday, November 11, 2011

Financial Aid For Graduate Students

Obtaining financial aid for graduate school can be a bit more difficult than finding financial aid for your Bachelor's degree. Despite this difficulty, there are ways to receive financial aid, which is often necessary due to the nature of graduate school and the heavy workload graduate students take on.

As a full-time graduate student, you are putting the same amount of time into your education as you would be putting into a full-time job. This does not give students any time to work a job outside of school. Graduate students need to find ways to pay for the cost of living such as food and housing, among other things.

Home First Aid

Filling out and submitting the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, referred to as FAFSA, is an essential step in trying to receive money to help you pay for your graduate school education. If you do not fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, you will not be able eligible to receive any financial help from programs that supply money to graduate students. It is not necessary to receive word of acceptance into your graduate program before you apply for Federal Student Aid.

It is important to apply for Federal Student Aid as early as possible. Early application for Federal Student Aid will ensure that you are first considered when the most money is still available for college bound students. The amount of money you are able to receive is based on your financial situation and also on how early you apply. If you wait until the deadline to apply, much of the available funding will have already been distributed to other students.

Loans and grants are also available for graduate students to seek out through the U.S. Department of Education. Again, you will not be eligible for these grants or loans if you do not fill out the Federal Student Aid forms, as the amount of assistance you are able to receive from these programs is determined by the information on these forms.

Many graduate programs strongly recommend that students enrolled in these programs dedicate their efforts completely to the programs and do not try to work in addition to their studies, since being enrolled in a graduate program is like having a full-time job. Students enrolled in part-time graduate programs are often surprised that the program takes up much more of their time than they had anticipated. Some students must work in order to make it in graduate school, and it is important for these students to make sure that the jobs they choose will accommodate their school schedules. If graduate students receive aid, sometimes it is required that they not work in addition to school as a condition of the aid.

Certain kinds of aid do not require that you pay them back, so it is essentially a gift. A fellowship, grant or scholarship is a form of financial aid that the students are not responsible to pay back after their education. A loan is a form of financial aid that is required to be paid back after the student completes his or her education.

Financial Aid For Graduate Students

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

First Aid - What Exactly is First Aid?

For those who don't know what First aid really is, here's the answer in a couple of words:

-First aid represents emergency care that can be given to a sick or wounded individual with no delay and can sometimes even save the life of the person in need of it. First aid is given before any professional medical aid. First aid is formed by a couple of relatively easy procedures and medical practices that can be executed by a regular person, which isn't a doctor, with the condition that they have sufficient knowledge to perform first aid.

Home First Aid

First aid is meant to stop whatever injury one may have from aggravating. These procedures aren't very hard to learn and almost anyone can apply them in real life situations, though there are some individuals that tend to panic in an emergency situation. This is why when an emergency occurs and someone is hurt or injured first aid becomes essential and sometimes people passing by, that knew first aid techniques, were able to help the person in need or even save his/her life!

First aid procedures can be very helpful for numerous conditions such as cuts, wounds, heart attacks, burns, bleeding, dog bites, choking, poisoning, electrocution, stings and many more. First aid procedures can even be useful in case of an illness at home or at the work place, or even in cases of car accidents. The most important thing about first aid is that there are a couple of all important elements that are crucial and will determine the level of usefulness that one will give while providing first aid. For example:

- A wounded person will not be moved from it's initial place, except on occasions when it's not safe to leave the person in the current location. Also, a tip here - try to avoid approaching a casualty unless it is a recognized, safe place. It could easily be a trap and the seemingly injured person could only want to steal your money or belongings as soon as you approach him. So be very careful who you chose to help out!

Any way, you should definitely know first aid for your sake and others as well. First aid could end up saving your life some day! Or you could even become the savior of someone else and just imagine how great it feels to save someone's life! Isn't this worth learning a couple of first aid techniques?

First Aid - What Exactly is First Aid?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Free Financial Aid For School

Finding financial aid for school can be as simple as getting a student loan or a Pell Grant. For most first time college students, these are the two most common ways to get money for college tuition, books, and can even help to cover some living expenses if you are attending a small community or junior college.

If you're venturing into a 4-years college for the first time, the costs can be substantially higher and more money may be required. Finding financial aid for school doesn't have to be a nightmare process though, it is actually quite simple if you follow these few simple steps.

Home First Aid

First, visit your financial aid office in your school. Meet with a financial aid counselor and discuss what options may be available to you. Financial aid for school is usually associated with student loans, but you can also look into grants and scholarships. Your financial aid counselor may have some information on these subjects, but you should also talk to your public library librarian and even your local chamber of commerce.

There are probably a select group of businesses in your area that offer scholarships to local students. This is an often overlooked type of financial aid for college. These businesses are usually medium sized to larger businesses, but the Chamber will know who they are and what they offer. Even your local civic organizations may give out scholarship money.

Also be sure to look at some other financial aid resources at your local library. Your librarian will have books on scholarships and grants that your financial aid counselor might not even be aware of. These scholarships and grants can be from various non-profit organizations like churches and MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Sports associations also give out grants and scholarships.

Financial aid for school planning is the key to funding your college tuition and other monetary needs while attending school. If you can gather enough financial aid to concentrate on your studies, you could possibly not even have to worry about a part time job for pocket money. You will want to maintain a list of student loans, scholarships based on merit, course study, and need. Also maintain that list of available grants for merit, course of study and need.

Begin applying for them before you even start applying for student loans. As long as you aren't in default on a student loan, you can get one, so this is an option that is absolutely guaranteed and therefore, should be where you venture once you have done the less likely applications for college money. The keys to getting financial aid for school are in knowing what's available and having an organized list of what you can apply for.

Free Financial Aid For School

Monday, November 7, 2011

First Aid Treatment For Black Widow Spider Bites

A black widow spider is a spider located in the United States, Canada in the southern portion, and also Mexico. Black widow spiders that are female seem be more venomous than a male. The female spiders have colors that are orange,red, or yellow underneath, and their outer side is all black.

You'll find these types of spiders in a garage, at pool sites, on barbecue grills, or woody places. The way they bite is basically when you encounter them in a web. The bites are not always really serious to adults, but more so to children. The response a person has may be mild or very serious. The reaction also depends on the person's age and health status.

Home First Aid

Some of the symptoms that a person may experience from this type of spider bite are:

Pain on the surface at first, which may become more internalized. When this happens, you could have:

1. A stomach ache ache that won't let go
2. Feel weak
3. Experience muscle cramps which are severe
4. Have vertigo (dizzy)
5. Experience angina (chest pains)

Most people will survive this type of spider bite unless they are small children, the elderly, or those with medical problems

First aid care at home means applying cold or warm washcloths to the site, and soaking. You can take pain relievers such as Tylenol for pain from the bite. The bite with most people should calm down and go away by itself with this minor care.

In severe cases though, medical intervention is necessary, for reasons I mentioned above. Medical treatment is to give pain relief through narcotics which are much stronger along with injections to relax muscles, (muscle relaxant).

Drugs to treat the venom are used in a few cases. This is called antivenin. Using a vial of antitoxin will promote relief of severe symptoms. The type of antivenin used is actually taken from horses. For this reason, a person may experience an allergic reaction that is not pleasant. The reaction could also take place later after injection in the form of lesions on the skin or glands which appear swollen. The use of allergy medications can help several types of reactions in the worst of cases.

Preventing the problem is not too hard if you are aware of this spider. Always look around for webs, and have a service that can spray your home to prevent webs in the first place. Watch where you are going, especially into garages in the dark or other places where you may not realize or see webs of spiders.

First Aid Treatment For Black Widow Spider Bites

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Adobe CS5, Cuda, Mercury, and What's in the Kool-Aid?

Adobe Creative Suite 5 is here with promises of lightning speed, real time edits, and drastically reduced render time. With Cuda, Mercury, and Nvidia on board, just what is in the Kool-aid?

Last summer you began to see releases about lightning fast render speeds with Cuda technology offered by Nividia. Nividia is one of the most popular video cards along with ATI Raedon. In a pc climate of high resolution and home gaming machines, headlines like 'reduce your render time by up to 80%'... is an attention getter.

Home First Aid

You can contact a representative at Nivida to get more education about these cards, Cuda technology and exactly how that falls into place with this new release of Creative Suite 5.

'Cuda' is Nivida's technology. Wikipedia will tell you that: CUDA is an acronym for Compute Unified Device Architecture, a parallel computing architecture developed by Nvidia. CUDA is the computing engine in NVIDIA GPU's that is accessible to software developers through industry standard programming languages.

GPUs are 'Graphics Processing Units', specialized processors first developed by NVIDIA in 1999. Graphics Processing Units is a good way of thinking of this resource. When you think about the dramatic increase in media in our Web resources, movies, high resolution imagery, these graphical processing units handle that part of the processing taking a large load off the main processor and in the simplest terms, make the experience much faster.

GPU's originally appeared for rendering three-dimensional graphics, in engineering, and CAD (computer aided drafting) applications. However, with the onset of high media content in so many of our Web topics and categories, graphic processing has become a standard component in any new pc.

GPU's have been around for some time gravitating from research environments to our homes but Adobe's Creative Suite 5 has been re-written in 64 bit to take full advantage of the addressing capability of Nvidia Cuda GPU's. Adobe has also introduced the Mercury Playback engine. You will see and hear a lot of claims about Nvidia and Mercury being written to work together but at the heart of this new technology is the ability to address enormous amount of memory, RAM. Offloading main processor tasks that are handled by the graphics card free up the main processor while having graphic related tasks handled much more quickly.

For all the technical talk, perhaps the best way to evaluate these enhancements is to take a test drive. If you have worked with high definition video, AVCHD/MTS formats and have become used to slowly reviewing your scene, try it with Premiere Pro CS5. This is a great promotional video showing just what a difference you can expect: Adobe Genesis Project.

It peaks with the placement of four different hi definition videos on the timeline simultaneously. There is no noticeable delay.

It is exciting to be able to view your hi definition takes in real time, add special effects, apply real time editing and review your work on the fly but ultimately it comes down to that most valuable asset for any of us that is... your time. You'll have a lot more of it.

Adobe CS5, Cuda, Mercury, and What's in the Kool-Aid?

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Uncle Sam Wants To Help You Go To College - Financial Aid Comes In Many Forms

During these tough economic times, students need to find solutions to possibly the most important of questions regarding college: How do I pay for school? The answer to this question is the phrase financial aid. While the term financial aid may provide some answers, often aid seekers are left feeling puzzled as to the myriad of forms and formulas used to factor what a student's need may be.

In 1965, President Lyndon Johnson signed a bill called the "Higher Education Act." This act created many of the college assistance programs helping quite a few students who otherwise would have no feasible way of paying the extreme cost of attending college. The first step to obtaining aid monies is filling out a form called the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). There are approximately 130 questions a student must answer on the FAFSA. In order to answer these questions, students must submit an array of documents, including full disclosure of their parent's financial assets because of the assumption (realistic or not) that parents will pay for their child's college education.

Home First Aid

For the 2009-2010 school year, the federal government estimates that prospective college students will receive approximately 8 billion in funding through need-based and merit-based packages. It's important to know the difference between the types of aid. Need-based financial aid is for students who, despite their family's income, can't afford the cost of attending colleges. Some private institutions require a supplemental form in order to demonstrate need because in some cases these colleges will dip into their massive endowments to help students attend. Merit-based monetary aid is typically awarded in the form of scholarships or grants. To be awarded these, students must perform at a consistently higher level than their peers, but sometimes they'll get awards due to high SAT or ACT scores. Typically a college will put together a merit-based package to entice students whom admissions officers feel would be a good fit for the environment at that specific school.

Part of the legislation known as the Higher Education Act of 1965 is the Pell Grant. Named for Senator Claiborne Pell of Rhode Island, this grant is intended for students who demonstrate economic need based off of the FAFSA form's calculations. The maximum award for the Pell Grant is currently ,800. In the future the Pell Grant award will be tied to the Consumer Price Index. Rationale for the change is that the Pell Grant does not cover as much of the cost of college as it used to. According to the Washington Post, the Pell Grant covers 31% of the cost of attending college while 20 years ago it covered 60% of all costs. As with all grants, the Pell does not require the recipient to repay the government.

The Higher Education Act of 1965 contributed many programs towards the aid of students who would like to go to college but can't afford it. Besides the Pell, another provision of the Higher Education Act is the Federal Guaranteed Student Loan Program, which today is known as the Stafford Loan in honor of Senator Robert Stafford of Vermont. The drawback of the loan having to be repaid by the student upon graduation is deferred by the fact that these loans are guaranteed by the full faith of the U.S. Government, which means that these loans are offered at a lower interest rate. The Stafford Loan is offered as a subsidized or unsubsidized loan, the difference being if the loan is unsubsidized the student must pay the loan back while they are enrolled in college.

One aspect of student aid requiring students to work for their money is the Federal Work-Study Program. After the student has filled out the FAFSA, if financial need has been demonstrated then students are eligible for employment at the college they choose to attend. Colleges must pay the students at least the current federal minimum wage. This program is beneficial for students because the jobs are usually low-stress jobs that do not clash with a student's schedule.

Pell Grants, Stafford Loans and Work-Study programs are probably the most famous aspects of the college aid universe, however there are two other programs that should merit attention. The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant awards up to ,000 per student on a yearly basis provided that the student's FAFSA demonstrates extreme need. Another grant for students who are in the greatest of need is the Academic Competitiveness Grant. This grant awards up to ,300 per year for each student who qualifies.

Uncle Sam Wants To Help You Go To College - Financial Aid Comes In Many Forms

Friday, November 4, 2011

Honey For Horses - For First Aid? Yes!

Are there effective natural first aid remedies available for horses? Yes there are.

UMF manuka honey - ever gaining in popularity for its effectiveness on people - also makes a great natural first aid treatment for your horses.

Home First Aid

Cuts, scratches, wounds, all things that horses tend to get from time to time. On humans there has been a growing amount of research, university, clinical and anecdotal, of how UMF® manuka honey is effective in treating infected wounds, making them sterile, and aiding healing. The same natural antibacterial properties it contains can also have a positive impact on animals.

What is UMF® Manuka Honey?

A unique honey from New Zealand that research shows has extra antibacterial properties. There are now specialist sterilised versions of it aimed at external wound use. Main attributes include providing antibacterial barrier protection, a moist wound healing environment, osmotic action resulting in odour control and reduction in wound fluid, and helping with growth of new tissue.

There is unfortunately a downside to using honey - it's sticky - but if you can deal with that minor aspect, then this is a great natural remedy that actually has some proper research supporting it".

It is important to remember not all manuka honey is the same, as a naturally occurring product, it does come with natural variation. The UMF® trademark is there for consumer protection for them to know they are getting honey that has been properly tested and measured for its antibacterial property.

After applying the honey to a wound on your horse, the best thing to do is place a dressing over top of it (use as non-absorbent a dressing as possible - you don't want to draw too much honey away from the wound). This is mostly to stop the horse, or another horse, from licking the honey off. But don't worry if they do still end up licking it - unlike some other products there are no chemicals or other things in it, it is still just pure honey.

You can make use of the jars of UMF® Manuka Honey that have a rating of 10+ or higher, although there are also now options with this honey in sterilised form in tubes, specifically aimed at external wound use, and potentially easier to apply. There are even ready made dressings with it too.

The use of this particular type of honey for healing wounds is supported by a growing amount of university and clinical trial research (focused on humans but applicable to horses), that does make it an effective first aid remedy for cuts and wounds. And there is growing anecdotal reports of people successfully using it on animals.

Honey For Horses - For First Aid? Yes!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Driver's Responsibility When Involved in a Collision and First Aid Procedures

There are few experiences in life that are worse than being in a car crash; especially if you are the cause of the accident. A collision can occur for any number of reasons and in a lot of different places. Your car might end up hitting a lot of different things. Pedestrians, other cars, cyclists, or property of others. No matter what you hit, why you hit it, or where you are-a motorist has four basic responsibilities when involved in a collision.

Stop Immediately

Home First Aid

If you are involved in a collision, you must stop immediately. If you do not remain at the scene of the accident, you could be punished severely. Your driver's license may be suspended for up to a year, or revoked. You could receive a jail sentence for up to a year, or be fined up to ,500.00-or both. If you are ever involved in a collision; stop immediately and stay put.

Render Aid

It is your duty to render aid to anyone injured in the collision. If possible, find someone who is trained in first aid. Call paramedics. Do not attempt to move anyone who appears to be seriously injured; unless doing so will prevent further injury. (For example, moving them out of the way of oncoming traffic.) You are also required to render reasonable assistance (including transportation) to the injured if it is apparent they need medical attention, or they request your help.

Contact the Police

If you are involved in a collision that results in the injury or death of another, or causes over ,500.00 worth of property damage, you must notify the police, Sheriff, or Highway Patrol. (This rule applies to any type of crash-even if another motorist is not involved.) You may be asked to provide insurance information.

Exchange Information

You must exchange certain information with others involved in the collision. This information includes: Your full name, address, vehicle registration number, and your insurance information. (Including your agent/provider's name and phone number.) If you hit a parked vehicle and can not locate the owner, leave a note with the following information. Your name, address, and the vehicle registration number of your car.

You can, and should, help at the scene of a crash. There are a few basic first aid procedures you can follow-even if you are not an expert. First, call the paramedics. Second, make sure you and the injured parties are in a safe area. If you and the victim(s) are in a safe place then do not move the injured people. Third is to assess their injuries. If they are conscious, try talking to them. Say, "Hello." Ask them if they know what is wrong and what happened. Fourth, if they are unconscious, check their airway. Gently tilt their head back and open their mouth. Check for obstructions, and place your head near their mouth. Listen and see if you can hear them breathing or feel their breath on your face. Watch their chest to see if it rises and falls. Fifth, if they are not breathing; they may need CPR. Do not perform CPR if you are not certified. If others have stopped, ask if anyone is CPR certified. If not, wait for the paramedics to arrive. Sixth, check for bleeding. If they are bleeding get a piece of clean cloth and hold it against the wound. Seventh, treat them for shock. If the injured person is in shock, then loosen tight clothing, cover them to keep them warm, and elevate their legs.

Remember, when calling paramedics, tell them: Your location, what happened, the number of people injured, if anyone is not breathing, and anything else they ask for. You do have responsibilities when you are first on the scene. You might just be the difference between life and death for somebody.

A Driver's Responsibility When Involved in a Collision and First Aid Procedures

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How Women and Mothers Over 40 Can Get Financial Aid

President Obama's scholarships for women over 40 have made it easier for women to return to college. If you are interested in getting a college degree then there are scholarships available for women at an older age. How women over 40 can get financial aid?

Step 1: A college degree is essential to getting a good paying job. If you are a woman at an older age with a family it can be difficult to make the decision to go back to school. Free scholarships for women over 40 have made going back to college a possibility.

Home First Aid

Step 2: Even if you are really adamant on going back to college, finances can stop you. College scholarships for women over 40 were introduced specifically to make going back to school easy for women. Women with a family are more likely to get money because financial aid for mothers over 40 is available.

Step 3: Mothers looking for educational scholarships need to look into those that promote diversity. Women's colleges want to create diversity by having students that are mothers, and even single mothers. There are institutions that provide financial aid for women over 39. There are also graduate school scholarships available for women to pursue a graduate degree.

Step 4: If you are interested in pursuing an education in a field that is not highly populated by women then there are greater chances of getting scholarships if you are over 40. There are also many scholarships and grants for mothers who want to get a degree in science, medicine, law, or technology.

Step 5: Women, especially single mothers, that come from a disadvantaged background have the chance to get money from the government for college. These financial aid programs know how difficult it may be for such women to educated themselves.

How Women and Mothers Over 40 Can Get Financial Aid