Blue Tansy (Tanacetum ~ Moroccan Blue Chamomile anuum) Wild crafted, steam distilled flowers from Morocco. Tansy Blue is a delicious scent is warmly herbaceous with a complex sweetness that reminds me of apples with a hint of spice. Most of the people always enjoy the warm and inviting aroma of this oil!
Keywords: allergy, and pain has a high content of azulene Blue Tansy that there is a deep, vivid blue color. It can stain so hello! Tansy blue azulenehis distinctive and powerful and bronchial vascular dialating properties that make it very effective natural anti-histamine and anti-inflammatory.
Home First Aid Kit
Blue Tansy natural anti-inflammatory action makes it an exceptionally relaxing. Calms and soothes nervous tension and stress alone or in combination for the relief of muscular aches, pains, sprains and strains, arthritis, rheumatism and sciatica can be used.
Thanks to its properties bronchial dilation Blue TansyUseful for those who suffer from allergies and asthma, is mixed with Lemongrass enhance this effect. Its analgesic properties may also contribute to a swelling or itching associated with allergies. I have had great success with Blue Tansy with clients who have suffered for years from chronic allergic reactions to environmental allergens.
Blue Tansy is also known for burns and inflamed or sun damaged skin to relieve. My friend Sylla, owner of Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy, used Blue TansyHelichrysum and to mitigate the effects of radiation therapy for cancer.
German chamomile (Matricaria recutita) - Certified Organic, steam distilled flowers grow, in England and the United States and distill quality oils. German chamomile is a beautiful shade of deep blue - it can stain, take Solari Its aroma is deep, soft, sweet and haylike.
Keywords: anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory CALMING Like a German chamomile my first choice in treatment is inflamed, irritatedLeather! It acts as a sedative and painkiller for "angry" and feverish conditions, including burns, cuts, inflamed joints, headache, teething pain, toothache, wounds, sprains and swelling, as well as various aches and pains, arthritis, colic, cramps and stress-related disorders.
A very relaxing and peaceful Oil, German Chamomile soothes the body and mind calming emotional feeling states. German chamomile citation sleep and is excellent for insomnia. Use it toTension or stress headaches and stomach cramps.
An invigorating tonic and soothing Chamomile German stimulates production of red blood cells and is known to relieve pain. Good results have been reported for the relief of symptoms distinctly feminine as irregular menstruation, premenstrual tension and menopause, moods, and cystitis, rheumatic pain, and anorexia.
A highly respected oil for over 3,000 years, long-German chamomileHistory of helping skin conditions such as dermatitis, boils, acne, rashes, eczema and psoriasis. It balances sebum production, and support for oily skin types, dry, sensitive and suitable. German chamomile is effective when used in a carrier oil and applied directly to the skin. Use it in a mixture to soften the inflamed skin such as acne or rashes barber. German chamomile is ideal for balancing dry, itchy, scaly skin conditions. Because of the benign nature of chamomileused as a remedy for diaper rash.
Try to have a synergistic blend of chamomile German with one of the following essential oils: clary sage, frankincense, geranium, neroli, petitgrain, sandalwood, vetiver o.
Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus), Certified Organic, steam distilled leaf Corsica. A fragrance with fresh, powerful and durable Eucalyptus is a decongestant long reputation for effective airway.
Keywords: respiratory care Eucalyptus is known for its broad spectrumanti-microbial. Its anti-septic, anti-infective, antibacterial and antiviral properties make it an effective tool for influenza, colds, sore throats, coughs, sinusitis, bronchitis, hay fever and acne to consider.
Her bronchial dilation helps ease inflammation of the nasal mucosa and nasal congestion. Try to relieve asthma, coughs and headaches, especially if some type of congestion.
Eucalyptus is also an excellent insectdisgusting!
Try to have a synergistic blend of eucalyptus, with one of the aromatic oils: basil, cedar, Himalayan cedar, cypress, frankincense, lavender, lemon and rosemary.
Geranium (Pelargonium roseum) Wild Craft, steam distilled leaf, Madagascar. A fresh and slightly pink, with a liquid consistency Geranium blends well with many oils and is useful for preventing known to adjust imbalances in physical, mental and emotional and extreme.
Keywords: hormonalGeranium stiffness lies in its ability to regenerate tissues and nerves, and help in balancing hormonal problems for both men and women. Definitely a first-aid oil every woman should have at hand. Geranium relieve women for years with success in treating PMS and menopausal conditions browse without problems. His nervous tonic, alleviates emotional conditions such as anxiety, confusion, depression, lethargy, energy swings and tears.
Geraniumactually been used for a variety of symptoms, including cessation, labor and delivery, improved blood circulation, relieve congestion, detoxification, constipation, water retention, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances and menopausal symptoms to treat the problems. Geranium is excellent for skin care and is too oily, dry or combination skin balance.
Note: Effective research and clinical assessment was made of Geranium in Germany. The clinical results were found for alcoholGeraniol, which is in the geranium. The properties and effects detected by these studies demonstrate a successful treatment for imbalances of the autonomic nervous system, which stimulates the production of hormones and response. The balance of the autonomic nervous system is the essential key to a healthy body, mind and emotions.
"Vegetative dystonia" is the term used to describe the imbalance of the autonomic nervous system and the accompanying symptoms. Manifestations of the imbalance of the autonomic nervous system symptoms are frequentHeadache, hot flushes, irregular heartbeat, nervousness, depression and anxiety.
There, according to Dr. Andrew Weil's medical vocabulary for imbalances of the autonomic nervous system is not practical in medicine in North America. But Germany and Japan, two modern industrial giants confirm this status and to use the term "vegetative dystonia".
Our modern lifestyle promotes our lives in a chronic state of stress and is subject to an increasing number ofEnvironmental toxins. These two conditions are cited as major causes for the imbalance of the autonomic nervous system and the resulting hormonal imbalance.
Try to have a synergistic blend of geranium with one of the following aromatic oils: chamomile German, sage, frankincense, lavender, rose and sandalwood.
WARNING: Geranium can reduce blood sugar and should be avoided in cases of hypoglycemia.
Helichrysum (Helichrysum italicum) - Italian Everlasting, Immortelle Certified Organic,Steam distilled flowers Corsica. The highly regenerative nature is warm and fragrant with hints of light honey.
Keywords: Helichrysum deep healing and regeneration is very renewable and one of the most powerful of all anti-inflammatory essential oils known. A sacred and gentle healing oil used for repair and tissue healing Helichrysum.
Helichrysum affects all levels of being - body, mind and soul and emotion. His ability to heal damaged tissuecomes from its ability to actively remove debris from the area of bruises and wounds, which are then absorbed into the bloodstream, causing a stain removal and less pressure on the nerves, resulting in pain relief.
By improving the blood circulation of your blood, lymph and nervous Helichrysum acts to repair broken bones and help support healthy skin and tissues. Use it to fade old scars and adhesions, and to heal skin tissue.
I always good mixing resultsHelichrysum heart palpitations with vetiver, to alleviate an irregular heartbeat and panic attacks. I have reported to contribute to Helichrysum, to feel the risk of stroke. Helichrysum Use any mixture for chronic pain, including fibromyalgia, arthritis, tendinitis and carpal tunnel syndrome improve.
Helichrysum oil is a lot of support and comfort and enhance intellectual and personal development. Try it in a blend of meditation! Helichrysum can be beneficial for the resolution of old emotional scarsthat active memory loop buried deep in the subconscious, as well as to resolve the dependencies and release management strategies that do not keep!
Try to have a synergistic blend of Helichrysum one of the following aromatic oils: Atlas Cedarwood, Himalayan cedarwood, German chamomile, sage, frankincense, geranium, lavender, myrrh, neroli, patchouli, petitgrain, frankincense, sandalwood, rose, vetiver, spikenard and
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) - Bio-, steamFlowers distilled, Italian high altitude. Strongly aromatic, sweet, flowery and slightly woody lavender oil is a universal healing and has a soothing and healing the spirit of body, mind and emotions.
Keywords: UNIVERSAL HEALER Lavender oil is most commonly used essential oil and absolute classic for the treatment of burns! During the early 20 century French chemist Rene-Maurice Gattefossé interested in using essential oils for their healing properties. Duringworking Gattefosse accidentally burned his arm very badly! The reflection, has plunged his arm burned in the large tub of lavender oil. His burn healed quickly and there was absolutely no scar tissue! Gattefosse with coining the term "aromatherapy" in his 1928 article on the use of essential oils as a whole, credit pure and genuine.
Lavender has a wide application and is particularly useful for the treatment of skin care, headaches, insect bites and sore muscles. Theknown and most widely used essential oil, and every home and office should keep on hand a bottle of lavender! Distilling Lavender high altitude allows lower temperatures and lower pressure for distillation making it possible for the volatile phytochemicals to come through intact in the final product.
Lavender is good for the skin and promote healing. Use it for burns, rashes, acne, eczema and psoriasis. Apply immediately to avoid burns or scars cause blisters, as well asSpeed healing of wounds, as it stimulates cell regeneration. Lavender is useful for relieving headaches, premenstrual tension and promote restful sleep. And 'excellent for balancing hyper emotional states such as shock, anger, impatience and irritability and helps to dispel the negative mental states of anxiety and concern.
Try to have a synergistic blend of lavender, with one of the following essential oils: clary sage, geranium, neroli, petitgrain, sandalwood andVetiver.
Peppermint (Mentha piperita) - Certified Organic, steam distilled leaf, England and the United States have beautiful distillations. Peppermint is a fluid, colorless oil with a fresh and penetrating light.
Keywords: cold and refreshing mint acts as a regulator and has a relaxing or invigorating depending on the circumstances under which it is used. A good blood purifier, is both antiseptic and antibacterial!
Peppermint is known for the relief of migraineHeadaches and headache resulting from weak or poor digestive power, congestion or sluggish circulation. It 'also known to relieve nausea, motion sickness. Besides being useful for the treatment of acne, swollen gums, mouth ulcers or thrush, toothache.
Enjoy your tired feet in a footbath with one or two drops of peppermint oil (oil dispersed in water, mixing first with a teaspoon of honey or jojoba oil before using the footbath) too tired to relieve swollen ankles andFeet.
Peppermint relieves sinus congestion, aids concentration and is good for memory enhancement, restoration to mental fatigue, to be used alone or in combination with the investigation, a test! Known brain fog clears, if you're tired of peppermint is perfect for the alarm!
An analgesic or pain reliever use Peppermint for the relief of pain or abdominal pain, aching muscles and joints. It can be used to facilitate a variety of skin irritations, including poison oak and poison ivy. Add a drop or twoYour favorite anti-itch cream or ointment in the treatment of insect bites. Use as food flavors in the recipes call for mint, or add a drop on your favorite drink cool in summer and enjoy a refreshing break during the day!
Try to have a synergistic blend of peppermint oil with an aromatic basil, black pepper, ginger, orange, marjoram and rosemary.
WARNING: Peppermint cools by coercion your capillaries, so please use in extremely weak dilutions.Peppermint oil can cause a worsening of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), a type of heartburn.
Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) - Wild Craft, steam distilled leaf, Australia. Strong assertive Tea Tree has antiseptic healing antiseptic smell strong and assertive undisputed reputation as a popular "cure". It has strong anti-fungal, antiviral and antibacterial.
Keywords: antiseptic and antifungal First proposal for athlete's foot, nailViral and fungal infections. Use to combat anti-acne agents, as well as influenza and other viral infections. Useful to balance skin conditions like acne, either alone or in combination. Tea Tree is also an immune stimulant, a decongestant, and analgesic or pain reliever.
In 1700, Captain James Cook and his friends on their arrival in Australia, who wanted a refreshing herbal tea to drink. They chose the scented leaves of a tree. The tree was never called Tea Treethere.
French physician Paul Belaiche graduated in 1985, tree, tree of healing skills for Candida albicans, a yeast vaginal infection. In most cases the infection effectively treated without the side effects of conventional therapies. Research has shown that it is useful for other vaginal infections, trichomoniasis. In 1962 an American study of 130 women treated was recovered from this infection.
Try a synergistic blend of tea tree oil with one of the following aromaticOils: Black Pepper, Atlas Cedarwood, Himalayan cedar, ginger, lavender, lemon, myrrh, thyme and rosemary.
VETIVER (Vetiveria Zizanoides) - Wild Craft, hydro common root, Haiti. Rich and sweet, honey oil texture is wonderful ground. Ideal for use in peace!
You can leave Earth, calming and soothing earth A sweet oil, base note, I have a heart for immediate relief of anxiety and panic keywords. Can be used as a mild sedative to induce sleep. The Wild Crafted hydrospreading Vetiver is an excellent example of this oil should smell. There is a light oil and nice and keep it close to my view, with aromatherapy often in my practice. Easy for customers to open its foundation and the soothing fragrance!
Vetiver natural restorative and invigorating. It gives comfort and support in every situation. Vetiver has a balancing of the mind and body and stimulates the production of red blood cells, muscle and joint pain, and relieve pain. Ihad great success with vetiver mixed with Helichrysum to solve palpitations or tachycardia syndrome! There is also an excellent hair, scalp and skin reconditioning as the balancing sebum.
Try to have a synergistic blend of Vetiver with one of the following essential oils: Neroli, Petit Grain, or orange. Vetiver works well as a stand-alone, but blends well with a wide variety of oils. Use it if you need an anchor mixture or need a base of low notes to help yourFormula sing!
Warning: There are many cheap, synthetic copies of aromatic oils, but these are not recommended for therapeutic use. For best results purchase the highest quality oils you can find. Use organic or ethically wild oils when possible.
Aromatherapy is a gentle and non invasive health care complementary and alternative for balancing and synchronizing your body, mind, spirit and emotions, which are used to improve your health. Please consult yourDoctor about your health concerns.
Aromatherapy First Aid Kit - 9 Essential Oils