Friday, September 16, 2011

First aid for burns

It 'important that each of us to learn first aid for burns. When a person experiences burns, the skin is destroyed. There are many risks and possible complications that can lead straight to a burn. The skin is designed to control the heat that is retained and released from the body. It helps to ensure that fluids are protected within the body. It also plays a crucial role in the prevention of pathogens that could harmus. Even the smallest amount of damage as a result of burns received, this can lead to serious consequences if appropriate measures are taken to emergency room care for injuries. In this guide you will learn many basic first aid measures to be taken to burn a person suffering from one should be in your presence.

Burns of First Instance

Home First Aid

First degree burns are the least severe of all when the burning, which may be through an individual experience, but have the potential to lead toComplications if not treated properly. This type of combustion affects the outermost layer of skin. Usually you see a red spot, perhaps signs of inflammation and pain is almost always associated with this type of burn. If the area is affected, less than three minutes to four inches, you can use the following first aid measures:

You should immediately put to work for the area of ​​skin that is affected by the cold burning. You can use normal tap water in a cool place - but notextremely cold - settings. The water must be performed over the entire area for up to 15 minutes. This works to eliminate pain and reduce swelling. The fresh water is an advantage in conducting heat from the combustion.

You will then want to loose gauze on the skin. This helps to keep the air from the environment. When the air is exposed to first-degree burn, it could lead to pain, severe sensitivity, and could be perceived as disturbing in all the bubbles canforms on the skin.

Because many people can benefit from a slight fever and reducing pain medication. Examples include paracetamol and aspirin. It 'important to ensure that the injured person is not allergic to these substances before offering it to them.

Second-degree burns

When a person is suffering from second degree burns, this means that both the top and second layer of skin are affected. E 'for skin blister together almost immediately,and the individual suffers from an intense study of pain and inflammation. If the burn is relatively small, the same procedure is followed for a first degree. If the individual begins the experience fever, pain is described as too intense, or there are signs of infection, is the best step first aid emergency medical help to try to treat burns. Infections can cause serious health complications for the individual suffering from second degree resultBurns.

Third degree burns

When a person suffers from a third-degree burns, it is likely that in great pain, because this type of combustion affects all layers of the skin. In many cases, in other parts of the body such as muscles and bones can be affected by this type of combustion. It 'important to call 911 immediately. Up to emergency medical personnel, it is important to follow these first aid steps:

Leave your clothes on the person, but surelyThe source of ignition is removed.

Give it a try, areas of the body that are burned to raise more.

Make sure that the individual moves, or any type of respiratory noise. If not, provide first aid with CPR.

If a damp cloth is available, use to cover the burnt area of ​​the body.

It 'important to remember that the first aid for burns are only a means to an individual of developing serious health consequences andalso to ensure their comfort, until a doctor arrives or is given. Whenever a person suffers a serious injury, should be immediately called 911.

First aid for burns

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