Tuesday, May 3, 2011

First Aid Kits - How Can They Help a Small Business?

First Aid kits are needed by man in so many areas of life - school, homes, cars, company, offices, construction sites, sports arenas, etc. This makes it potentially a good opportunity for a small business to make profit from them. Since they are needed in wide areas of life the demand is very high.

First aid kits are needed to help save lives in an emergency especially before the arrival of a medical doctor. They are also needed to help prevent complications / disability by being handy in case of an accident to take care of a wound and reduce the likelihood of an infection setting into the wound.

Home First Aid Kit

First aid kits are cheap to get since they can be made from variety of materials e.g. wood, plastic, metal, fibre, etc. They can be gotten from the Red Cross store or from the local drug stores.

The Red Cross organization recommends that the following should be inside the first aid kit (for an average family of 4 persons):

1) 2 Absorbent compress dressings (5x 9 inches)
2) 25 Adhesive bandages (assorted sizes)
3) 1 Adhesive cloth tape 10 yard x1inch
4) 5 Antiseptic wipe packets
5) 5 Antibiotic ointment packets (approximately 1gram)
6) 2 Packet of aspirin (81mg each)
7) 1 Blanket (space blanket)
8) 1 Breathing barrier (with one - way valve)
9) 1 Instant cold compress
10) 2 Pairs of non-latex gloves (size: large)
11) 2 Hydrocortisone ointment packets (approximately 1 gram each)
12) Scissors
13) 1 Roller bandage ( 3 inches wide)
14) 1 Roller bandage (4 inches wide)
15) 5 Sterile gauze pads (3 x 3 inches)
16) 5 Sterile gauze pads (4 x 4 inches)
17) Oral thermometer (non-mercury / non-glass)
18) 2 Triangular bandages
19) Tweezers
20) First aid instruction booklet.

In addition you may also need Paracetamol tablets (some patients are allergic to aspirin), ORT Sachets, torchlight and batteries (in case you need it at night), etc. Other things may be added for other specific purposes like mountain climbing, skiing, rowing, etc.

You can benefit by becoming a supplier of First Aid Kits to schools, offices, churches, motor packs, construction sites, fuel stations, sports arenas, homes, super markets etc. at a cheap price. This you can do by engaging a carpenter or a furniture maker to make beautiful boxes for you which you take to the pharmacist to stock and then supply to the needed sites. You could also buy plastic boxes at whole price and then stock them. The money required to produce a kit is moderate and because you are producing them in bulk it is cheaper, and you make more profit as a small business. Imagine you having the contract to supply the kit to schools, drivers associations, companies, etc. at the same time. All you need is obtain loan from a bank or other financial institutions at a low interest rate and make your supply, making sure you deliver on time. As soon as you are paid, settle your banks and keep the remaining profit for yourself.

First Aid Kits - How Can They Help a Small Business?

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