Friday, May 6, 2011

Top 10 Things to Look For in a First Aid Kit For Camping

If you are going camping, it is of the utmost importance that you have a reliable and properly stocked first aid kit. Even if a large injury does not occur, there is always bound to be the minor scrape, cut or burn that will require attention. Below are 10 important things to look for in a quality first aid kit for camping.

1. Durability - Chances are the first aid kit is going to get dropped, tripped over, kicked and possibly slightly rained on. Your first aid kit needs to be able to withstand environmental elements as well as a little physical abuse from you.

Home First Aid Kit

2. Clear Labels - If an injury occurs at night you do not want to be digging through a first aid kit that you cannot easily read product descriptions. A well organized, clearly marked kit with individual pockets will assure you can act quickly in case of emergency.

3. Reflective Strip - If it is dark and an emergency occurs, you must be able to quickly identify where your first aid kit is. Even if you know the proximity, that is not enough. A reflective strip could be the difference between life and death if you are searching for a CPR card if someone has stopped breathing or is choking.

4. First Aid Booklet - An easy to read first aid booklet is imperative in all first aid kits for camping to assure you know what to do or how to treat a medical situation.

5. Aluminum Foil Blanket - Even if it is the hottest night of the summer, you must have an aluminum foil blanket. If an injury occurs and someone goes into shock they can lose body heat quickly. An aluminum blanket is important to have to keep a person warm.

6. CPR Card - A CPR card ideally will be waterproof since there is always a chance of rain, or wet hands from saving a drown victim. A CPR card will not only help you to for rescue breathing but also aid you to save someone that is choking.

7. Tweezers, Scissors or Shears - You need to have something to cut bandages or medical tape with. Additionally, tweezers are handy to remove splinters and bee stings.

8. Gloves - These are important when treating an injury. Chances are if you're camping you may not be able to effectively clean your hands so being able to throw on a pair of sterile gloves is essential.

9. Antiseptic Swabs and Bandages - You should have a few antiseptic swabs in case you need to re-clean the area and plenty of bandages handy to keep the injury covered to reduce infection.

10. Eye Patches and Saline - If an eye injury occurs, you really need an eye patch to keep dirt or light out of to avoid irritation. Saline is very helpful in case you are sitting too close to the fire and end up with smoke or ashes in your eyes.

A reliable first aid kit is the most important thing you can take camping. You never realize how important and valuable this item is until you need one and don't have one available. No matter how short a camping trip you're going on, you really need to always be well prepared with a great first aid kit.

Top 10 Things to Look For in a First Aid Kit For Camping

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